
The birth chart or horoscope is nothing but a snap shot of transitory planetary positions at the time of birth of the child. As the planets keep moving, which is called transition, all the transiting planets come into conjunction with natal planets at regular intervals. This phenomenon is called Gocharam in Vedic astrology. There will be some or more impact of transition planets on natal planets. Basically the effect of transition planets is considered basing on the position of natal Moon and the movement of planets with reference to the position of Moon. In transition, it is believed that the following planetary positions give good results. Of course, it is obvious that these results are temporary as the position of the planets in the said combination will not last long. The good and favorable combinations are as follows. Transition of the planets from natal Moon, which are favorable, is given below. In other houses, it is unfavorable.
1. Transition of Sun in 3,6,10 and 11 houses
2. Transition of Moon in 1,3,6,7,10 and 11 houses
3. Transition of Mars in 3,6 and 11 houses
4. Transition of Mercury in 2,4,6,8,10 and 11 houses
5. Transition of Jupiter in 2,5,7,9 and 11 houses
6. Transition of Venus in 1,2,3,4,5,8,11 and 12 houses
7. Transition of Saturn in 3,6 and 11 houses
8. Transition of Rahu in 3,6 and 11 houses
9. Transition of Ketu in 3,6 and 11 houses

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