In the previous article there was a discussion on planetary combinations which caused Covid outbreak.
Now let us focus on individuals who are likely to succumb to the disease. In the present scenario those having these planetary combinations in their individual charts, may take precautions. However, this is only a general indication and the results may vary from person to person.
In the previous articles, clarification was given on the movement of planets in the coming days. Basing on these movements, the following is the analysis.
Jupiter is significator for life (Jeeva-karaka). Whenever transiting Rahu comes into conjunction with natal Jupiter besides forming a bond with transiting Saturn and transiting Ketu, the individual may suffer from serious ailment or sometimes it may be cause of death also.
As of now, Rahu is transiting in Gemini and moves into Taurus on 24.09.2020. The deadly combination of Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter as discussed in previous article is already formed and continues throughout the year.
Hence persons irrespective of their birth ascendants, having their natal Jupiter in Gemini, Sagittarius, Taurus, Capricorn, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo and Scorpio should be careful and take extra precautions. Persons in whose charts, Rahu, Jupiter main periods are going on should take care. Persons who are aged above 60 years with the above combinations should take much more care.
Why should we consider only the above signs are under threat. The clarification is as follows.
Rahu and Ketu always move in opposite houses (180 degrees) and move in anti-clockwise direction.
The principle is whenever, transiting Rahu comes into conjunction with natal Jupiter, the person is likely to suffer from some kind of ailment. Connection of Saturn to this combination is much more dangerous and may prove fatal also.
What is meant by conjunction?
Transiting in the same sign, transiting in opposite sign (180 degrees), transiting in trine (5th or 9th houses) may be treated as conjunction. Since Rahu is positioned in Gemini, the persons having their natal Jupiter in Gemini (same sign), Sagittarius (180 degrees), Libra and Aquarius (Trines) are likely to be affected.
When Rahu moves into Taurus on 24.09.2020, the deadly combination shifts to Taurus (same sign), Scorpio (180 degrees), Virgo and Capricorn (trines).
All the persons whose natal Jupiter in the above signs may take precautions up to April 2021.
As of now, the entire world is gripped with fear of Covid-19 outbreak. Let us pray the Almighty to grace the entire world, entire mankind and restore peace and normalcy.
Samastha loka sukhinobhavantu. Sarve Jana sukhinobhavantu.
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