
We can take a look at the following incidents about outbreak of corona virus.
1st December 2019 was the approximate expected date of 1st virus attack on a female human in Wuhan. On 10th December 2019, the virus was detected. On 16th December several patients with same symptoms reported in hospitals. The pandemic started.
As far as planetary combinations are concerned, in nadi astrology, a deadly combination of planets is given i.e. Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn. When these 4 planets come into conjunction, a large scale deaths can be predicted.
Planetary transits in the form of chart and in the form of zodiac wheel are also presented.
Rahu is placed in Gemini and Ketu in Sagittarius for a long time. Saturn is also placed in Sagittarius along with Ketu. Jupiter entered into the same sign but however, due to retrogression, he entered into scorpio on 23.04.2019 and again entered into Sagittarius on 05.11.2019.
Sun entered into Sagittarius on 16.12.2019. On 26.12.2019 when Sun was in Moola 4th quarter, solar eclipse occurred. Solar eclipse is nothing but conjunction of Moon with Sun along with either Rahu or Ketu. In Sagittarius, Ketu is already there. Rahu was already in Gemini. Sun and Moon were in conjunction causing solar eclipse.
This solar eclipse would not be that much dangerous, if the Sun, Moon and Jupiter were not present in the same house.
Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Saturn and Ketu were present in the deadly combination with Rahu’s aspect up to 15.01.2020, when Sun moved into Capricorn. On 24.01.2020, Saturn also moved into Capricorn.
So, the deadly dates were between 26.12.2019 and 15.01.2020. During this period, the spreading of the disease was very fast and WHO declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020 and on 11th March 2020, a pandemic.
From which date we can expect a slowdown of the virus according to planetary movements?
On 13.04.2020, Sun enters Aeries i.e. Aswini nakshatram which is called Aswini karte. This is the first step for slowdown of the virus. Next date is 20.05.2020, when Rahu leaves Aridra and enters into Mrigasira constellation. However, the effect of the virus cannot be totally eradicated. The next step of danger is creeping around from 24.09.2020 when Rahu enters Taurus and stays there for about one and half year.
In the course, here is another Solar eclipse on 21.06.2020 in Gemini sign.
By the time Rahu enters into Taurus on 24.09.2020, Saturn is already present in Capricorn, which is a trine to Taurus. Now let us see Jupiter movement for a while. Jupiter enters into Capricorn on 30.03.2020, starts its retrogression on 14.05.2020 (uttarashada), retrogrades into Sagittarius on 29.06.2020. On 13.09.2020 it comes into direct motion and enters into Capricorn on 20.11.2020.
So, by the time Rahu enters into Taurus on 24.09.2020, Jupiter is already in retrogression in Sagittarius and again enters into Capricorn on 20.11.2020. That means Rahu and Ketu in Taurus and Scorpio respectively and Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn. Now Capricorn and Taurus are trines which mean, again deadly combination of Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn begin.
Further, Kala-sarpa dosham is also seen from 27.03.2020 to 24.05.2020 with exception of Moon coming in and going out of this combination. Again this combination occurs from 13.01.2021 till next Ugadi festival.
So, the conclusion is that as soon as Sun enters into Aeries on 13.04.2020, acceleration of outbreak will be considerably reduced and improvements can be seen in treatments. From 20.05.2020, when Rahu enters into Mrigasira nakshatram, further improvements can be seen.
But there will not be total eradication of the virus in 2020.
Since, this outbreak occurred in the planetary combination of Sun, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter, Chandi yagam in big temples and Chandi homam in small temples and Rudrabhishekam in Shiva temples will bring relief considerably.


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