
While reading horoscopes, it is very important to note the position of planets. The Raasi, the constellation, the house or the bhava in which the planet is positioned and its impact on the individual should be studied carefully. Each planet will have points of exaltation, debilitation and moolatrikona as shown below.
Sun – Leo is own house. Aeries is exalted house. 10th degree of Aeries is deep exaltation. Libra is debilitated house. 10th degree of Libra is deep debilitation. Moolatrikona Leo 0 to 21 degrees.
Moon – Cancer is own house. Taurus is exalted house. 3rd degree of Taurus is deep exaltation. Scorpio is debilitated house. 3rd degree of Scorpio is deep debilitation. Moolatrikona Taurus 4 to 30 degrees.
Mars – Aeries and Scorpio are own houses. Capricorn is exalted house. 28th degree of Capricorn is deep exaltation. Cancer is debilitated house. 28th degree of Cancer is deep debilitation. Moolatrikona Aeries 0 to 12 degrees.
Mercury – Gemini and Virgo are own houses. Virgo is exalted house. 15th degree of Virgo is deep exaltation. Pisces is debilitated house. 15th degree of Pisces is deep debilitation. Moolatrikona Virgo 16 to 20 degrees.
Jupiter – Sagittarius and Pisces are own houses. Cancer is exalted house. 5th degree of Cancer is deep exaltation. Capricorn is debilitated house. 5th degree of Capricorn is deep debilitation. Moolatrikona Sagittarius 0 to 10 degrees.
Venus – Taurus and Libra are own houses. Pisces is exalted house. 27th degree of Pisces is deep exaltation. Virgo is debilitated house. 27th degree of Virgo is deep debilitation. Moolatrikona Libra 0 to 15 degrees.
Saturn – Capricorn and Aquarius are own houses. Libra is exalted house. 20th degree of Libra is deep exaltation. Aeries is debilitated house. 20th degree of Aeries is deep debilitation. Moolatrikona Aquarius 0 to 20 degrees.
Rahu – No own house. Taurus is exalted house. Scorpio is debilitated house. There is no deep exaltation or deep debilitation. No Moolatrikona. In another school of thought Gemini and Sagittarius are treated as exaltation and debilitation respectively. This will be discussed in detail in subsequent articles.
Ketu – No own house. Scorpio is exalted house. Taurus is debilitated house. No deep exaltation or deep debilitation. No Moolatrikona.
The planets give results in the above houses as follows.
Best in exalted house, Very good in Moolatrikona, Good in own house and bad to very bad in debilitated houses. Afflictions of planets by other planets should also be taken into consideration while giving predictions.
A planet which crosses its debilitated house and move towards exalted house in the natal chart is called planet in ascending order, which by and large gives good result. A planet which crosses its exalted house and move towards debilitated house in the natal chart is called planet is descending order, which gives normal to bad results. These results depend on various other factors also.

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